The tao is pronounced dao or Do .
Founded by the philosophers of china. Tao is simply put: The Way. Tao is undefinable, to define it is to define something other then the tao, thus, the tao may not even have a definition at all. Tao is also explained as a religion in China called Taoism. Though taoism was not intended to be a religion but a philosophical concept, Chinese people put people of great figure and prestige like Guan Yu, Lao Zi, to name few of many as gods. To have a greater understanding of the Tao, read Lao Zi's l Ching or the book of birthdays. l Ching is orginally found in China, but nobody knows where it is, so The book of birthdays is an English translation of the l Ching. That's what I know about the Tao.
The tao cannot be explain. To define the tao is to define something else other then the tao. To give an example relating to something that is trying to define the tao is not the tao, because that has nothing to do with the way, and so it is not the definition for the Tao.
e.g. the tao is simply put: The way. What is the way? nobody knows. Some may say it is the path to believe in the Christian God. Some say it is destiny. Some say it is the method to become rich and successful. Some say the way is when we will come to that place after death. All these things have nothing to do with the Tao because it remains a mystery unsolved
The tao is pronounced dao or Do .
Founded by the philosophers of china. Tao is simply put: The Way. Tao is undefinable, to define it is to define something other then the tao, thus, the tao may not even have a definition at all. Tao is also explained as a religion in China called Taoism. Though taoism was not intended to be a religion but a philosophical concept, Chinese people put people of great figure and prestige like Guan Yu, Lao Zi, to name few of many as gods. To have a greater understanding of the Tao, read Lao Zi's l Ching or the book of birthdays. l Ching is orginally found in China, but nobody knows where it is, so The book of birthdays is an English translation of the l Ching. That's what I know about the Tao.
The tao cannot be explain. To define the tao is to define something else other then the tao. To give an example relating to something that is trying to define the tao is not the tao, because that has nothing to do with the way, and so it is not the definition for the Tao.
e.g. the tao is simply put: The way. What is the way? nobody knows. Some may say it is the path to believe in the Christian God. Some say it is destiny. Some say it is the method to become rich and successful. Some say the way is when we will come to that place after death. All these things have nothing to do with the Tao because it remains a mystery unsolved